At Kirti IVF Clinic, we believe every woman deserves individualised attention and access to the most advanced medical treatments available. We are dedicated to delivering comprehensive consultations and pioneering endoscopic (minimally invasive) surgical techniques to address the unique needs of each patient. Prioritising your reproductive health is our priority.
Our team of experienced gynaecologists at Kirti IVf Clinic are well trained in advanced endoscopic surgery. With detailed history taking and active listening to your complaints, we may advise you on a set of investigations to reach a diagnosis. Once a diagnosis is made, we offer you treatment that may be medical or surgical based on your condition.
Endoscopic surgery includes hysteroscopy (for inside the uterus investigation and treatment) and Laparoscopy (for inside the abdomen investigation and treatment).
Our Gynaecologists at Kirti IVF Clinic will take a detailed medical history and discuss your concerns and symptoms that you may be experiencing. Detailed history usually includes menstrual health, sexual health, family planning goals, and any other specific complaints regarding abdominal, pelvic or perineal discomfort. With a provisional diagnosis in mind, your doctor may request a physical examination of your complaint and may subject you to an ultrasound examination. There may be a need to run some blood or urine tests to reach a final diagnosis. Based on the results, your treatment plan will be decided.
At Kirti IVF Clinic, we do everything possible to save the uterus. Therefore, we encourage treatment of the disease either through medicines or minimally invasive surgery. The Endoscopic Surgeons at Kirti IVF Clinic are well-trained and experienced in removing the pathology and preserving the organs. However, some diseases do need removing the uterus too. We excel in laparoscopic and hysteroscopic surgeries like Myomectomy (Fibroid removal), endometriosis, adenomyomectomy (for pelvic pain, menstrual pain- dysmenorrhoea, pain during sexual intercourse - dyspareunia), cystectomy ( ovarian, para ovarian cysts removal), uterine polyps, uterine anomalies like uterine septums, post-surgical corrections of uterus- Asherman’s Syndrome, Isthemocele repairs (Laparoscopic and Hysteroscopic) and hysterectomy. We work our best to preserve ovaries in patients with torsion of ovaries with cysts like dermoid, haemorrhagic, simple cyst, endometrioma etc.
Endometriosis is a disease where the tissue lining of the uterus ( endometrium) grows outside of the uterus or other areas in the female pelvis like ovaries, fallopian tubes, peritoneum, bowel loops etc and bleeds with every menstrual cycle thereby causing immense pelvic pain in the suffering women. The disease gets complicated over time due to adhesion formation between the sticky tissues. The pain can occur during periods (dysmenorrhoea), during sexual encounters (dyspareunia), and defecation (dyschezia) and may lead to fertility issues. Many theories suggest the reason behind this pathology but science is yet to confirm its origin. Our team at Kirti IVF Clinic is well-trained and experienced in diagnosing and treating endometriosis through medical as well as surgical management. We choose minimally invasive surgical techniques to remove as much endometriosis as possible with the help of our latest and most advanced laparoscopic vision system that helps us identify the smallest diseased tissue.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)/ Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) is a lifestyle disease and is one of the most common endocrine (hormonal) disorders among menstruation women. Polycystic ovaries in a woman, at times, are not able to grow an egg properly therefore leading to anovulation. This may lead to a delay in the menstrual cycle in these women.
1. Diagnosis of PCOD
2. Consultation and counselling with senior gynaecologists
3. Medical management
4. Dietary consultation
5. Skin Consultation for acne and skin darkening
6. Laser hair removal package
7. Weight loss package with gym membership and laser body shaping
8. Lifestyle package with Yoga and meditation membership
9. Infertility management for PCOD
Feel safe and confident while working on your goal of a healthier body with the Women's Wellness Clinic, a unit of Kirti IVF Clinic.
Adolescence marks the transition from childhood to adulthood. This includes the physical and hormonal changes of puberty. This is an important time in the life of early and young teenagers to understand their reproductive and menstrual health and develop positive attitudes and behaviours.
Girls around puberty start to acknowledge changes in their breasts, body contour and hair growth in pubic and underarm regions and some may acknowledge the occurrence of periods. We at Women’s Wellness Center, a specialised unit of Kirti IVF Clinic, provide children-friendly education on various aspects of reproductive and menstrual health and one one-on-one counselling to these girls along with their parents to glide through this transition phase with positivity and confidence! We encourage immunisation for the HPV Vaccine to young boys and girls and share detailed information about the same.
We educate and counsel the parents of both young boys and girls on the means to communicate with their growing children on topics such as reproduction, reproductive health, sexual organs, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and their prevention, menstruation and bodily changes of puberty. We aim to promote Healthy Relationships with Adolescents who would benefit from guidance on building healthy relationships based on respect, consent and effective communication about physical and emotional boundaries.
These topics are addressed solely by our senior gynaecologists in an open, judgement-free, safe and authentic environment.
Menstrual health
Puberty changes
Menstrual hygienic habits
Use of pads, tampons, menstrual cups
Menstrual symptoms education, guidance and treatment
Good touch-bad touch
Healthy habits
Maintaining proper communication
Basics about what to expect from children during pubertal changes
How to deal with teenagers
Healthy relationships adolescents
Warning signs with adolescents
Emotional support
Healthy habits
We provide safe, private and judgement-free consultation and counselling sessions for you and your growing children under the supervision and guidance of senior gynaecologists at Women's Wellness Clinic, a unit of Kirti IVF Clinic.