Women's Wellness

Kirti IVF Clinic & Gynae Endoscopy Center

Besti infertility treatment in rajasthan

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From Devastated to Delighted

IVF is a complex process that can be physically and mentally challenging for many couples. However, for many couples, IVF fulfils the dream of parenthood. IVF is typically recommended for couples struggling with infertility due to various factors like blocked fallopian tubes, endometriosis, ovulatory disorders, male factor or sometimes for unexplained reasons of infertility. During this treatment, the couple goes through a lot of stress, anxiety, and uncertainty. We at Kirti IVF Clinic, are dedicated to giving answers to your questions, providing you a complete treatment and fulfilling your dream of becoming parents! Along with this we provide an encouraging environment for our patients and support them throughout their journey. Let’s get ready to be delighted rather than devastated!

IVF and Fertility Services at KIVF

In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) is an assisted reproductive technology in which eggs are retrieved from the ovaries and fertilised by sperm in a lab. These fertilised eggs are given a precisely monitored environment in the lab to grow into embryos. After the formation of the embryos, they are transferred into the uterus with the aim of achieving pregnancy.

At Kirti IVF Clinic, we have developed a state-of-the-art IVF lab with the latest equipment and world-standard technology to fertilise the eggs and maintain the precise environment for these fertilised eggs to grow into an embryo.

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) involves placing specially energised sperm directly into the uterus around the time of ovulation. This procedure increases the number of good quality sperm that reach the ova (egg) to enhance the chances of fertilisation. Kirti IVF Clinic provides IUI as a minimally invasive and cost-effective fertility treatment.
When you choose Kirti IVF Clinic, you can expect a warm and supportive environment. Our senior doctors and well-trained staff provide complete care, both medically and emotionally. With the latest technology and world-class equipment, we aim to give you answers, offer you detailed consultations, thorough investigations, expert minimally invasive surgical management and 24/7 support throughout your journey.
Ovarian stimulation is a critical part of the IVF process. The ovaries are stimulated with medications to produce multiple eggs in a menstrual cycle. We carefully monitor your response through blood tests and ultrasounds to adjust medication dosages. We aim for the best possible outcomes with minimal side effects in the shortest possible time frame. There is no need for hospital admission for ovarian stimulation.
Egg retrieval also called as Ovum Pick-up is a minor surgical procedure performed under sedation or short anaesthesia. Using ultrasound guidance, the doctor inserts a thin needle through your vaginal wall to collect mature eggs from the stimulated ovaries. We perform this procedure with precision and care so that you stay comfortable and stress-free. There is no requirement for long hospital admission or overnight stay in the hospital during this procedure.
Once we retrieve the eggs, we combine them with sperm in our in-house laboratory to initiate fertilisation. We use advanced techniques like Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) when necessary to improve fertilisation rates. Next, our doctors choose the best-quality embryos for transfer.
Embryo transfer is the final step of the IVF process, where we place one or more embryos into the uterus. This procedure is simple and usually painless. Embryo transfer is under ultrasound guidance usually without the need for anaesthesia. Detailed instructions and medications are given after the procedure. Follow-up is expected after 15 days. There is no requirement for hospital admission or overnight stay in the hospital for this procedure.
Luteal support helps you prepare your uterine lining (endometrium) for implantation and to maintain early pregnancy. We typically use progesterone or other hormones to support the endometrium. With this procedure, we create the ideal environment for embryo implantation and growth.
After the embryo transfer, we monitor you closely for signs of pregnancy through blood tests and ultrasounds. In this critical phase, we offer guidance and reassurance as you wait for the confirmation of your pregnancy.
Ultrasound scans are an integral part of infertility treatments and pregnancy monitoring. They help us assess your reproductive organs, and track the development of embryos and early pregnancy. At KIVF, we use the latest ultrasound technology for accurate and detailed imaging. Repeated ultrasound scans are not harmful to the pregnant mother or her growing baby.
We generally recommend IVF for couples with fertility issues such as damaged fallopian tubes, ovulation disorders, endometriosis, male factor infertility, unexplained infertility, advanced maternal age, ageing ovaries premature ovarian failure or severe pelvic infections. It is only after a detailed history and thorough investigations that we confirm the treatment plan best suited for you, be it regular monitoring, IUI or IVF.
We generally recommend IUI for male infertility, cervical mucus problems, ovulatory disorders, or unexplained infertility. It is also an option for couples who cannot have regular intercourse due to physical or psychological issues. We carefully assess your medical history and condition to determine if you are the ideal candidate for IUI.
We do comprehensive investigation since it makes an infertility treatment successful. At KIVF, we perform multiple diagnostic tests, including hormonal assessments, ultrasound scans, semen analysis, and genetic screening from our own diagnostic centre. These investigations help us identify the underlying causes of infertility and find a remedy to solve your concerns.
World statistics show IUI success rates of about 10-15 %. We maintain our IUI success rate within the range of 10-15%. This success rate is a result of our careful patient selection, using advanced techniques, compassionate care, and round-the-clock support to help you become a parent.
World statistics show an IVF success rate of about 40-45%. We at Kirti IVF Clinic are proud to share our IVF success rates between 65- 70% in the last 10 years! However, IVF success may vary, based on factors like maternal age, cause of infertility, egg, sperm or embryo quality.
Stimulation drugs are likely to cause abdominal bloating and heaviness with mild discomfort. But it usually does not require any intervention. The patient recovers from the symptoms once the ovum pick-up is done. Ovum pick-up is a minor surgical procedure where the patient regains consciousness almost immediately after the procedure and is ready to go home by herself after about 2 hours. Embryo transfer is a potentially painless procedure, recovery is no question there.